It’s My One-Year Blogiversary!!!

It's MyBlogiversary!So I realized yesterday morning that it was my one-year blogiversary!!!

I had already had a post published for that day and I was too great of a procrastinator to scramble and write another. Life got in the way, you know. 😉 So I guess that today is really my one-year-and-one-day blogiversary. But we’ll just celebrate my blog reaching a year, okay?

To think that it was only a year (and one day) ago that I was at Amanda’s house and she was helping me set up my blog. It feels so long ago.

I have changed a lot since then.

I’ve liked writing more and more as I’ve blogged. I did NaNoWriMo for the first time mainly because of seeing all these bloggers do it. I ended up winning though I started SIX days late!

Then I tried Camp NaNoWriMo (for the first time) in April and I’m doing it this month! It is so fun and I’ve met so many great people! I hope to keep doing this for a long time.

So some fun things that have happened this past year (and in no particular order)…

  • Moving to Puerto Rico.
  • Getting more and more followers.
  • Getting all the sweet and encouraging comments.
  • Then getting those fangirl comments…they’re awesome.
  • Finding some great blogs!
  • Doing NaNoWriMo and winning!
  • Getting a Twitter account.
  • Buying books.
  • Doing Camp NaNoWriMo!
  • Making some great blogging friends.

Blogging friends I’ve made this past year…

From starting my blog, I’ve made so many blogging friends and found just some amazing blogs (Click on the link to see their blogs!)! Here’s to naming a few…

  • Shantelle – I have loved all our chats! You’re really an amazing person!
  • Katie – You are so fun! I love all our fangirl talks!
  • Aimee – You’re awesome. Your novel tore my heart out. And you have reawakened my love of Daredevil.
  • Anna – I love your blog and I need to read more of it. It seems we have a lot in common.
  • Jonathan – Your blog is awesome! I love your humor. And I love getting all your comments, they’re are just great.
  • Zac – I love your blog (You must blog more!) and you’re crazy Tweeting. It’s spectacular!
  • Wendy – You have made me laugh too many times to count. I can’t wait to read more on your blog!
  • Hannah – You are just so fantastic to talk too! I can’t wait to check out your blog more!

Some questions…

So I’m thinking of doing blog posts on random Saturdays about movies, tv shows, books, writing, maybe guest posts, etc. What would you think about that? Should I do it? Should I not? Do you have any other ideas? I would love to hear what you think!

Thank you!!!

Since I have started my blog, I have gotten 114 followers! More followers than I ever thought I’d get. Thanks you guys! This blog wouldn’t be here without you readers! You guys have made it so worth it!

It late and I’m signing off. Goodnight!

-G. Paige



18 thoughts on “It’s My One-Year Blogiversary!!!

  1. CONGRATULATIONS, GABS! <33333 Eep it feels like just a month ago when we started your blog at my house LAST SUMMER. Wow, time flies. That was incredibly fun, and I'm incredibly sad that we can't hang out all the time and do stuff like that.

    Such awesome bloggers there, on your list!

    And yes! I'd love to read more posts. 🙂


  2. ACK YOU ARE THE SWEETEST. Thank you so much! It’s been great getting to know you! 😀 (I’ll be blogging more often from now on, I swear!)


  3. Thank you, lovely lady!! You are so presh! 😀 And happy blogiversary!!!!! I’ll be celebrating my second in October(?), so I know the excitement!!! ❤ (And I'd love to see some of the random Saturday posts.)


  4. Congrats, Gabriela!!! 😀 You’re doing an awesome job with your blog, and I love reading it!! I hope by next year your follows double and you always have those encouraging comments! ❤

    Random Saturdays would be great! I always love those kind of posts! 😉


  5. YAY. Congratulations on your one-year-blogoversary!!! 😀

    (And yes I realize I’m like very late for congratulations. XD But for some reason that one week of camp at the end if June really threw me off. I haven’t been commenting a lot on some people’s blogs)


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