Purposeful Pages Link-Up: October

purposeful-pages-memePurposeful Pages is a monthly link-up designed to unite bloggers on answering questions about life, blogging, the Bible, writing, and books.

Well, here is  another Purposeful Pages Link-Up hosted by Hannah and Amanda. I really glad to do these posts! Enjoy!

What is something (or who is someone) that has encouraged you to grow in your faith?

Amanda. Yep, one of the girls who started this link-up. Her blog posts are so encouraging to me. She sets such a great example and I’m so inspired. And those long video chats are so enlightening. I’m so blessed to have her as a friend.

Has blogging showed a side of you that you normally don’t see?

That I’m more of a fangirl than I realized. If anything, blogging has made me more crazy and insane than I was before.

It has also showed me to be more open about my faith than I’d thought I could be. Though talking to someone in person about Christianity is different, I now think that I could do it a little easier than before I started to blog.

What inspires your “creative genius?”

Pictures. Music. Books. Notebooks. Paper. Blog posts. And talking to people passionate about all these things, especially writing.

Why do you write?

I don’t know. I just feel that I need to do it. I love writing book reviews where I can flail about books. I love to share my passion for Christ. I love creating worlds and characters and seeing how it all develops. It’s important to me. And I’d hate to lose the ability to do it.

Your house is on fire, and you only have time to save one thing. Do you grab your hand-written manuscripts or your cat?

Hand-written manuscripts, no question. Sorry cat. The cat could probably save itself anyways.

If you could ban any book, which one would it be, and why?

The Reflections on the Revolution in France by Edmund Burke. I didn’t even have to think on that one. I read this book for school a few years ago and I don’t know what it was but I just COULD NOT UNDERSTAND IT. I could read a sentence, a page, and not be able to tell you a thing about what I just read. I ending up just trying to speed read it, but it still took me about three hours for thirty pages every single day. Those were a few painful weeks.

What is your Myers-Briggs personality type (if you know it), and what unique aspect of your personality makes you who you are?

I’m an INFJ. I think that it’s unique that I’m the type of person who seeks deep, meaningful friendships, people who share my passions and interests.

Did you have any kind of “breakthrough” point in your life, whether it had to do with writing, blogging, art, or anything else? If so, would you like to share about it?

I’m…not sure. I think that I’ve developed more of a passion for writing since I started last November. And that probably happened sometime in August. Though I’m not totally sure why, I think it was because I began a new story that felt more from my heart. I feel more connected to it than the first book I wrote. And I think that I’m enjoying writing this story more.

Are there any hobbies that you have that don’t fit the stereotypical you?

I have started in the past year or more to workout a lot. I kind of enjoy it. I just love doing stuff with weights. But I must say I’m not really a fan of anything involving cardio.

Even if you haven’t written an official life purpose statement, can you tell us in a few sentences what you feel called to do with your life right now?

I want to make a difference in people’s lives; I want to give people hope. At this point, I’m not absolutely sure how, but I have always wanted to be a missionary in a foreign county. As a missionary, I’d like to translate the Bible into a language that doesn’t have it or go into a medical field (like some sort of surgeon) for countries that don’t have the medical skills they need.

-G. Paige

2 thoughts on “Purposeful Pages Link-Up: October

  1. Love your answers!! I’m an INFJ as well. But sometimes an ISFJ.
    And with the cat/hand-written manuscripts? Yes, the cat will most definitely save itself. Knowing my cat, it would already be outside and waiting to jump out of the bushes at me by the time I got out of the house. XD
    Speaking of translating the Bible into other languages… have you ever heard of New Tribes Institute? I think that’s one of the things that they do. We usually see there booth and home-school conventions and my mom talks with them so I’m not entirely sure.

    Jeneca @ Jeniqua Writes

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    • That’s fantastic! I actually did get ISFJ on the test once…

      XD That is too much! I love it! The cat can definitely save itself.

      It sounds familiar, but I don’t remember it. I’ll look into it! Thank you!!!

      Liked by 1 person

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