What You’ll Find on the Blog

Welcome to my blog! I’m so excited that you’re here! Here’s some cinnamon rolls!

Want to learn how I started my blog and why it is called “A Heart Redeemed”? Click here.

Here is my loose (emphasis on loose, since I’m such a great procrastinator) schedule for this blog. I won’t be posting on all these days all the time, but these are the types of posts I’ll have on these days:

  • Mondays and Wednesdays: book reviews, cover reveals, blog tours, tags, monthly high points.
  • Fridays: spiritual posts, Purposeful Pages Link-Up.
  • Saturdays: ‘Smashing Saturdays’ (fun and random posts), guest posts.

If you have any ideas for posts that you’d like me to do, just let me know! I’ll take any suggestions!

Sorry, not sorry. I just had to use this gif. It is one of my favorite movies ever.

-G. Paige