Finding Joy During the Craziness of Christmas


Sorry guys. I was supposed to post Friday, but I was very busy and tired so I didn’t get to it. Well, here I am now with a post. After this, I’m probably going to take about a week break to relax and catch up on all the books. 😉


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The True Reason For Christmas

ahrblogChristmas. The time close to the end of the year that about half the world celebrates. Many of us go out and buy a Christmas tree maybe by cutting one down or buying one at a store (unless you have a fake one at home to put up). We usually will decorate that tree with lights and ornaments and much of the house in the same way. The adults  go shopping for presents for their kids (if they have any), sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, parents, and all their relatives. They might buy for their friends too. We’ll listen to Christmas music in the time following up to December 25th and sometime after. We’ll make ton of Christmas cookies that probably aren’t the healthiest, but still so good. Hopefully most of us get to spend a lot of time with family and relatives. It is a time of peace and joy…and happiness.Read More »